Friday, March 21, 2014

Bear With Me- Behind the Eyes

    Last night I had the most unusual dream- not that all of my dreams are not unusual, this one was completely off the grid.  Having family and friends both in a dream is refreshingly new, but the conflict in the dream story was that bears all over the country were attacking humans. The bears were not provoked nor hungry, they were acting more like serial killers. In my mind's dream I understood that this was an issue of mass consciousness.

    As the bear approached everyone ran into the house and locked the doors. The bear proved to have the mental and physical ability to open doors and everyone ran out into the garage and was trying to drive away. Under normal circumstances I most probably would have my heart up into my throat, but this time I kept trying to get everyone to stop panicking and "believe" with calm and loving hearts.

    Of course, I was considered off my rocker and the pandemonium continued. As everyone in the car shared the horror stories they had heard about the bear attacks across the nation,  an ancestral soul appeared and asked me to remember "The Way".  His presence was real and he was strong. My "Shaman" reminded me to BE-come "Grandfather".  In my present life I refer to Bear Totem as Grandfather in step with traditional meaning.  In this, one aligns with the energy of an animal or being by shapeshifting into that particular animal, creature, insect or being.

    The carload of people in the garage began to scream and freak out as the bear started to rip on the door handle. I realized I was now standing outside of the station wagon. My body had the incredible sensation of change and movement; I was transforming into Grandfather, standing tall on my hind legs, my front paws up in the air with a commanding grunt emanating from my open mouth. My intention as Grandfather was to send respect to the upset bear and to pull him from his reverie.
He turned to me and as mass consciousness dictates, I learned from this private and invisible form of communication of the pain of the Bear.

   Seeing from the behind the eyes of another is powerful and enlightening. It does not excuse the behavior nor does it bring the  guest behind the eyes into the same pattern of current behavior and thought.  Seeing from behind the eyes of another brings one the ability to see the situation from the same paradigm, therefore, allowing the seer to address the problem with clarity and focus. Immediately the bear hung his head and sat low to the ground.  Without a sound or movement, Grandfather commanded the bear to raise his head. Forgiveness was offered and Grandfather offered his services to the Bear. In that moment all Bear understood and I realized that they would be heard and heal.

   My Ancestor offered, "You offer this journey of standing behind the eyes of another. It is not meant only for those who ask for it. You use it yourself to give benefit of the doubt and to see your part in a situation. This must be applied to all Life. This must be shared and used to understand and help the animal, the planet and the child; it should most decidedly used to understand the weak, the criminal. For in understanding that pain and anger, one can send love to him and forgive. One will not be condoning the person, but one will be in a place of Knowing. Judgment does not exist in a place of Knowing, in a place of Love."

   My mind made the several connections in several situations at once. It amazed me to see a glimpse of the unlimited ability of the Higher Mind.  I realized that by living this lesson in a shamanic way that I was being reminded that we are all of the same consciousness and that we are indeed hurting the animal kingdom, we are tainting it with hate, anger and greed. If I can feel these feelings from others as I drive down the corridor, I am sure that the Kingdom of Nature can feel it much more powerfully than I.

   In your moments of explosion, anger or sadness, consider if this is yours or not. Perhaps in a small way you are open to these emotions and just being susceptible to them makes you open to exert the anger or pain of another.

   Again, the Shaman reminded me of the need to turn in. In times of strife and pain, one must turn in to Self and Love. In times of understanding behind the eyes of another one must turn in to Self and Love before and after this journey.  Self and Love - it is who we Are.