Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Be the One; Manifesting Peace

    The events today and over the past few years are necessary in the sense that we cannot change what we cannot admit. To bring these human adversities to Light does just that, it brings them to THE LIGHT that they may be recognized, accepted, changed, healed and transformed into Love.  How we choose to participate in these events defines each of us- singularly. Choosing not to participate in any form or fashion also exposes who we are- or not.  It is imperative to understand that those who use the tools of destruction such as guns, bombs, and knives are void of something within. The acts of violence are not carried out by healthy, well-balanced humans who have a Spiritual core of any kind.  These humans seem to be searching for something that exists beyond their selves, out into a world that they do not know they can create and manifest. Even more important, they are worthy to have all that they desire, but due to this void, feeling worthy is not a consideration.  All of us, whether we are teachers, clergy, parents, friends, relatives, federal workers, servicemen and women, service professionals, home makers and any other label one wishes to wear have the ability and the responsibility to notice and offer what we can.  To resist is to ensure the longevity of the issue.  The more we resist, the more painful it is.  It is not our responsibility to take ownership another, but it is our responsibility to own our thoughts, actions and words. 

     We are all a part of the historical movements that are taking place.  The violence in the streets as well as the violence perpetuated through media posts such as Facebook and Twitter reap emotional reactions which in turn give birth to others reacting to those reactions. Reacting to those reactions and reacting to those reactions.  The political scene is a cartoon playing itself out and the masses wonder how this all can happen.   I can hear it, “Not me! Not me!”  “I had nothing to do with it.” This volatile atmosphere is perpetuating a dread so deep that it is easier to turn our heads or ignore it and hope it goes away. Perhaps, this is how Germans fell into the chains of Hitler.  Chaos can lead to peace and for sure, all pain leads to learning in hindsight.  The question is, “Do we complain about the events taking place and hope that someone does something or do we use our words, our hearts and meet up with like-minded individuals and allow our pure hearts with the goodness for all of humanity to move us and inspire us to beget a new beginning?”   I can hear the resistance to this, everything from, “It won’t work,” to “It isn’t going to do any good,” and Sounds good to me, but it will be useless because BTXEY isn’t going to change.”   It is a relief knowing those who defended the colonies in the Revolutionary War or those who helped with the Underground Railroad not to mention those who marched and voted for equal rights didn’t feel or think this way.

     Benjamin Franklin put his own son in prison for years because he was a Loyalist.  Many of our forefathers who signed the Declaration of Independence and or fought for our freedom not only lost their fortunes and homes, they were outcast by many in society and forgotten.  Despite all of the lives that have been needlessly lost in wars that we may live in a land of freedom and we abuse these freedoms to abuse others.  Yes, there are bad police officers and yes, there are some officers that are not well trained, but that does not make all officers wrong. Yes, there are areas in our country that need healed and need to change for the good of all, but there is no need to incite hate to address the situation.  It is disheartening when Leaders of our Nation publicly model judgmental actions condemning alleged perpetrators before they are tried and convicted, peppering language with labels and emotional commentaries. Instead of pointing fingers and blaming, our Leaders should be exemplary in behavior, word and deed and mostly for being only concerned with how he or she is responsible for their own self only. Hate and negativity are contagious and repeated merely for the pleasure of the power it seems to yield over others. This morning there was a video on Facebook. It appeared to have been  recorded by a black teenage girl or a woman encouraging three young black children to beat up a much younger little girl who was white.  The female filming the children was laughing. To share the video clip, even to voice frustration and anger would be an act to perpetuate the climate of hate and divisiveness.  The media is full of all the wrongs and woes and yet, there is an absence of objectivity.  There often lacks the other side of the story, but the country and even the world will witness all of this unfortunate news being sensationalized invoking raw emotions and higher ratings.  The sad reality is most of us are unaware that we are pawns on a stage being used as the face in a news story. The mere fact that we as a nation succumb to making decisions out of raw emotions is quite truthfully the chains we create and wear upon ourselves.
   Peace and healing starts with each of us individually.  We must monitor our own Self before we act upon anything of importance.  It is imperative to go within our own Self to check, “Is this an emotion or a feeling?”  An emotion is created when we bring in our own experiences, beliefs and understandings as we observe or experience a situation or information that is being shared.  Should the messenger be emotional or manipulative, our emotions will escalate in accordance to the degree of those of the messenger.  Feelings are pure, from within without interference or judgments.  The only advice I can offer is to practice observing the mind for the use of labels, for it is in labeling we begin the art of judgment.  What may appear to be a lazy person begging for money may well be a person who has a difficult time learning due to fetal alcohol syndrome or may suffer brain damage due to a traumatic accident.  First, consider that it could be You. Yes, You.  Each of us is made in the “Likeness of God” and if this true, then the Creator is in each of us. We all do not look alike, so it cannot be our physical bodies.  Besides, really? To believe the Divine Creator is a physical man that creates many worlds and that He thinks according to our logic is an antiquated and humorous postulation.  Back to the point.  We cannot live in peace and live a life of health, prosperity and joy that is our Divine Right if we live in a place of judgment or allow ourselves to exist in a state of emotions less than the Love of Spirit.  To LIVE -as opposed to exist- would be a choice to direct your thoughts and energy in an action that serves your highest good and in turn All That Is.

     On 9-11, scientists who were recording waves off Earth found that the waves were almost non-existent.  There was virtually no crime rate for the six to nine hours after the terrorist attacks.  This phenomenon was due to prayer from the Hearts of many over of the planet.  In prayer, in meditation of the Heart, it only requires the square root of one percent of the affected population to bring into life a desired outcome.  Science has proven our Hearts are powerful Energy centers, more powerful than any other part of the body.  Spiritually and physically, when we go into our Heart center and focus in a place of Love, we can profoundly manifest and create.  All that is required to change your Self and or your World is that you believe and that you are in a place of Love. To doubt or to “hope” it will work would be to be in a place of not having Faith.  Doubt and Faith cannot co-exist, both are absolute. It is either/or, not both. At this very moment, feel your Heart and notice what it wishes to experience and allow your imagination to become your friend.  You can have what you want, including a world you desire for your children and grand-children and it begins with you and it begins this very moment.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

It Doesn't Feel Right- Listening to Messages From Your Soul

    If you lived to be seventy years old and were paid one dollar for each year you lived, including leap years, you would earn approximately $25,830.00   The value of our days cannot be in money, but in how wisely we spent our days. The question is, "How do you live each day to the fullest?"  I may not have the exact answer to the question, but I have come to an understanding about is not living each moment or day to the fullest.  My heart and soul loves to sing, not melodically, but sing with joy and pleasure.  Sometimes, in order for my heart and soul to sing, I immerse myself in Faith and walk out on a long, dangerous limb and begin pruning away all that does not support my Highest Good from my Tree of Life, from my Universe.  This does not take courage or wisdom, it only requires that I listen to my feelings, I listen to my soul.  Our souls constantly communicate with us, we need to learn the signs and the language.

   The language is one we speak already. For example, I thought I wanted a teaching job, but while considering the application I noticed my chest and stomach muscles tightened. I decided to test this feeling and I visualized myself teaching in that particular space and place and the tightness worsened.  Years ago, my daughter and I shared the same experience of listening to our soul. My friend's daughter joined us at the restaurant table and as she took her seat she gave an excuse as to why she was late; I felt as if my body was in total arrest, the words didn't feel right, but I stayed silent and listened. After lunch, my teenage daughter confided she didn't feel right about the excuse for being late offered by her friend. Sometimes, we can feel uncomfortable with what is not said or done as what had occurred with my late sister.  I still feel absolutely ashamed that I did not answer my sister's calls; each time the telephone rang, I dreaded answering it and I believed I did not have the energy to answer it.  In hindsight, I now realize that I could not speak to her for to hear her truth would have forced me to see I shared the same truth of horror. Yes, something was not right, it didn't feel right for her or for me.

   Our souls try to communicate with us many times with good feelings as well as feelings of discomfort.  This uncomfortable feeling is not relegated to only people, but happens with issues, situations and homes as well.  You may avoid an area of your home because a hole in the wall needs fixed or the wall needs cleaned or painted. You may stay inside the house because your yard needs mowed, the garden has been neglected or the door needs some TLC. We avoid confronting the child who sleeps at inappropriate hours or is behaving out of character,  yet, we know something doesn't feel right.  Perhaps, there is a relationship you are in that needs ended, but you find reasons for all of the discomfort and sadness to avoid the fact that the relationship does not feel right.

     In reality, not doing anything about whatever it is that does not feel right steals your energy like a vacuum.  Those nagging people in our lives and the squeaky wheel gets all of our attention in our minds and sometimes they evoke emotions of anger, sadness, frustration and resentment. These responses  and any other responses that are less than love feeds our energy to the elephant, the problem in the room or the issue, depleting our energies. Quite often in order to attempt to avoid experiencing displeasure, we do not make any attempt to correct, address, repair, question or scrutinize the elephant in the room and the choice to ignore the issue, the elephant in the room that "doesn't feel right" spawns a feeling doom that seems to grow over time.

    Suppressing feelings of discomfort is unhealthy for us.  Even the discomfort from our physical environment such as a closet that needs emptied or a kitchen that is overwhelmingly unorganized and packed can affect our emotional, physical and spiritual health.  We are energetic beings and these feelings and thoughts that we have swept under the rug become blockages in our bodies, blocking our systems from healing and repairing.  Acupuncturists use the meridians which are paths of energy that run though-out our physical body to keep us in excellent health and emotional wellness.  There have been times when the practitioner could not find the meridians on the client.  As an Integrated Energy Therapist, I remove these blockages and restore the connection in the meridians restoring the flow of energy.   Blockages come from our energy field outside of our bodies and move into our physical bodies. These blockages are dis-ease.  The blockages are from not being at ease;  "dis" means "not".  "Dis- Ease" -- "Not at Ease".  It is important to acknowledge when we are not at ease in order to prevent illness. 

     It really isn't important to know it is bad Feng Shui to have a mirror face out the window, but it is wise to be aware of  a room that does not feel right.  If a room does not feel right, move things around the room, with each piece moved it may be that  another one may need to be moved. The items that make up your space are like stars in a constellation, each piece plays energetically upon another including the art work and mirrors.  Moving your constellation in your sacred space, your universe must feel right.  Allow yourself to feel it out.  It isn't in your head, you can't see it (though there are a few that can), you must relax and allow yourself to feel with the center of your body. Move a piece or two then sit and feel, look around and feel each item.  Unfortunately, it is not as easy to move people around in your life, but the people in your life have a huge impact on your energy and health as well.

   If  you have children, you may want to model a healthy way of life that is effective, efficient, respectful and healthy.   Looking back in our personal life at all the difficulties and pain we have endured, we can rejoice that we lived through them.  Not only did we survive, we learned from them and most often thrived.  There is no possible way anyone can thrive in any situation, relationship or space that does not support them.  If nothing you can do in these situations or relationships has changed it to "feel right" it never will. 

    It is wonderful and rewarding to give to others, but we buy this myth that it is a sign of weakness or it is an inconvenience if we personally ask for support or help, yet when others ask us for our assistance, we jump at the chance and never consider them weak or incompetent for asking.  Seeking out others is a sign of courage and faith.  Perhaps, a way to empower us to ask others to assist us is to see our request as a gift to them - a chance to be of help and to give to another human being. Try to see that we live in a symbiotic relationship with all life, including those we love and those we may not like.  We are not separate from the world around us, we are a part of our homes and they are part of us as it is so with the land, the sky, sun, moon and all of nature.  The fibers that make up your material world come from our Earth, they come from nature and they are chemically bonded together for your use just as your body is formed from the elements of our planet, chemically bonded for your use to have a physical experience.  Cherish the gifts of all living and non-living and as you do discover the changes around you and to you.

    It is important to utilize personal space to make life as it is to be.  Those in your life are a part of your universe and each player must dance with you in a dance that serves both of you. You and only you are responsible for you- your SELF.   If it feels right, your Soul is letting you know you are in harmony, if there is discomfort, your Soul is communicating with you the cause of the discomfort is not in your Highest Good.  If something moves you and feels right, it is. Faith means nothing has to make sense.  If it feels right, do it; if it doesn't feel right, don't. he moments in life are fleeting, make them yours and make them the best.



Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Crystals and Gems: Enhancing or Absconding Your Powers

         I love crystals, gems and stones.  They are delightful to behold and for me I feel much like the babe who sees the old time colorful Christmas lights for the first time. Shiny objects attract raccoons and I must confess, they attract me.  Seeing shiny objects, especially crystals is like taunting, "Look! Squirrel!" to a dog that loves to chase squirrels. Put a glistening crystal in my path or peripheral vision and you are going to lose my attention. Sooner or later, I am going to chase the squirrel.  

     Jewelry stores attract me like bears to honey. I float into the shop and gaze into the lighted cases and find myself smiling away. No, I do not have a need to buy a token or a prized possession; I am just happy being in the company of colorful treasures that twinkle like ice in the sunlight in a magical winter wonderland. I do not feel pulled to hold anything, but I do have a desire to touch the array of gems that is much worse than that of a three year old in a toy store. Crystals, diamonds, and minerals all beckon me to be home among them, but once our visit is finished I am happy to bid adieu and know that I am welcome to come back home anytime.

    Most children are attracted to the earth, to rocks, flowers and anything that glistens and shines.  It is quite amusing to stand in a crystal or rock shop and watch children of all ages walk into the shop and be pulled to a specific area or gem.  The relationship we have with the earth and her treasures is innate and real.  My earliest memories of the earth is looking up in awe of  blue skies, fluffy clouds and feeling familiar in the smell of wet earth; I was two years old, my memories of these are clear.
When I was three I would pick up rocks out of the parking lot next door or off the street.  There was a lot of quartz in the broken rock and I marveled at the different colors and wondered why anyone would drive on beautiful rocks. It never occurred to me to put one in my pocket to take it home or protect it. Children today have this same sense of respect. Back then, I would just hold the piece of rock, observe it, and then put the rock back where I found it. Today, I still observe this ritual when borrowing rocks and stones for use.  I do not own any crystals, gems or stones, but I have become a caretaker to many.

     By the way, do we really "own" crystals or rocks?  Come to think of it, do we really "own" a pet or a plant?  When I think of buying a dog, my stomach becomes knotted up and hurts, yet if I think I would like to become a caretaker of a dog, I feel butterflies swirling around my tummy.  Native American tradition offers  we do not "own" land, but instead we use or borrow the living Mother and we should give Thanks for the give away when we eat an animal or plant.  When we were children adults told us God lives everywhere and is in everything and this resonates with me. If Source is in all things, then all things have consciousness.  Crystals grow, therefore they are living things. How could I "own" one?
Largest Lemurian Quartz Cluster found

     The real purpose of this blog is not about living things or owning them, but the use of crystals and other treasures of our Mother Gaia which compel people have them in their possession for use or collecting.  We all appreciate the metaphysical properties- the gifts crystals, gems, minerals and metals  have to offer. For example, my husband had a necklace made for me by Allyson Rice. Allyson used the properties of the stones as well as geometric shapes in the gold chain. She used Citrine for clarity, manifestation, forward progress, strong will and powerful growth. It carries the energy of fire, helping one to active their own "fire in the belly," helping one with clarity of intentions, action and manifestation capabilities. The gold was deep, rich with warm energy of the sun.  Allyson wrote, "Everything about this necklace feels like suspended sunlight.... a reminder that to carry LIght so fully and shine it in the world, you have to be open to receive it as well."   I wore this necklace often in teaching difficult classes and I saw its properties affect others around meI did not rely on the gifts or metaphysical properties to do their work, but I did hold great gratitude for that which was given and received. It was and still is imperative to always maintain a state of being present and completely aware of everything and everyone which enables me to be proactive and reactive in a manner that is respectful, effective, efficient and even healing.

     Many of us use crystals, gems and stones as partners or tools in healing and in life. It is not uncommon to have them on our desk or in our pockets knowing they offer a service to us. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to depend upon the crystal or stone and abscond all responsibility to it. For example, someone desires help with their health and he or she chooses to  employ Rutilated Quartz which can activate nerves, boost the immune system and bring restoration to mental health as well as reduce signs of aging among many attributes. Yet, this man or woman does not take the steps to eat a balanced, healthy diet. He or she may smoke and drink excessively and choose to stay in an unhealthy relationship.  This man or woman is expecting the Rutilated Quartz to do the work as he or she relinquishes all responsibility and expects this magic to happen. The magic does happen, but one has to take the steps to help the process instead of hindering it. One has to be actively responsible for Self. Crystals and stones are conscious beings and just like the Angelic Realm, if your actions and thoughts do not align with your desires, you will not be assisted.  I suppose our actions in do speak louder than words.

Crown Jewels - London
     It is truly a Blessing to be helped by forces unseen by us.  Kings sought out the crystal, gems and minerals for their powers and properties. They adorned their crowns, robes, sword grips and pommels with specific gems and minerals.  Kings believed these would enhance their personal powers and abilities, but the kings did not place the crown upon their heads and expect their lives and kingdoms to magically become CamelotKings held great trust in themselves as well as their world and did everything in their own power to make it happen.  We, too, must learn to embody the use of our worldly treasures while holding great Faith in ourselves as in our Creator as we take every step that we can to create the outcome we wish to experience

     It is absolutely delightful that the Western World is opening up to subtle energy and unseen forces. Yet, it is a concern that many of us still search for the "pill" to make it all go away without becoming fully involved with our own progress and growth. As we learn to step out of our comfort zones in our daily lives and experiences, we can trust that the Universe is with us, assisting us, but All That is will not replace our Free Will. Assistance does not mean the Universe replaces our actions as we remain inactive. We must  take action beginning in our hearts and mindfully follow through. We must be active participants in that which we seek to be and to have.

Hope Diamond
     By the way, the month of March is the best month to purchase jewelry. In acquiring new beloveds, always allow the stone to call to you. Be aware of the first one you see- the one you really see and delight in. Hold the stone and send it love. Ask the piece if it would like to be with you and notice any changes in your physical sensations.  Our Higher Self and Soul knows what we need. Trust your Self and your Soul as much as you trust the crystals, gems and stones.