Monday, November 19, 2012

My Umbilical Cord

    Have you ever met someone and felt that you have known them? Or perhaps you had a relationship and for some unknown reason it ended, but the two of you still feel linked together despite the break by some invisible umbilical cord? Do you have long distance friendships that maintain a strong, loving bond and a comfortable aura despite the miles and time between visits?

   We do connect on the Energic Level with those in our lives. If you are a woman and carried a child, your child was in your energy and continued to be in your energy as you nursed and cared for him or her in the beginning years. This can be seen when observing infants and toddlers as they quickly cling to their mothers in the presence of strangers. This bond between mother and child is real and it, too, is a bond on the Energic Level. Making love to and with the most wonderful person in the world takes the lovers beyond the physical level as they share their energies melding them into one. The two become One.They are united. They are united in energy. Love is energy. They are united in love.

    In our personal relationships it does not matter what happens, one loves  unconditionally. One makes the effort to understand what happened, what moved them to behave a certain way or to do something or to say something. Mistakes and misunderstandings are overlooked because the love is unconditional. Each person forgives. Most probably, no one keeps score. Those who accept others without judgment love unconditionally. 

   There are many people we cross paths with and we choose not to befriend them. It may be they wear different clothes or we assume that we have nothing in common. Perhaps, you feel uncomfortable around them--sometimes in this case we are really picking up that this person is uncomfortable around us. For whatever reason that we continue to exclude others from our inner circle, it all comes down judgment and assumptions. It also boils down to the exchange of energy between you.  What if everyone could see people as God sees them? Not as Peggy, Joe or Mary in a body of skin and hair and maybe Gothic clothes, but as Peggy, Joe or Mary in a spirit. Who we are is magnificent and wondrous. We are not our personalities and our egos, but indeed we are Souls and we are Spirit.

    I am not suggesting that you do not maintain your boundaries or make discernment's, I am proposing that you consider a much larger picture of life. In 100 billion galaxies with 100 billion stars in each, is there more to us than just skin and egos? I believe that there is far more to each of us and our Universe, and every single person is perfect. Looking beyond our skin and our egos each one of us is absolutely perfect. What does this have to do with energy?

    We are perfect because we of of God/Divine/Creator/Buddha.....any name of any deity that you wish to use. A rose is a rose no matter what language you use to name it. In the moment that you believe that you are perfect and not just made and separate from your Creator is the moment you begin to awaken. You love your child because you Know your child. You love your lover because you know your lover. You feel that bond with the stranger you meet and feel like you have known each other a long time because you have. Beyond your conscious mind, you know this person. Your connection on the Energic Level through your energy body is very real. Each of us is of the same energy and particles that make up the Universe. We are energy. We are love. We are inter-connected. This is something so wondrous and awesome that at first one is overwhelmed and perhaps even skeptical.

    As we were taught as youngsters, God is in everything, everywhere. Someone forgot to also include that God is within us. As you accept and believe that you are perfect and of God you will begin to see others as God and Spirit sees us. In walking in our Light we find freedom. For in Light, there can be no darkness, therefore dark thoughts including doubt, jealousy, concern or worry cannot exist in your Mind.

    I do believe that is why I love my work as a Soul Coach ®.  My passion is to help others clear away all of this ego clutter and to understand that in each moment that the experience just lived in that moment creates us anew. We are a new person many times throughout a single day. It is the insistence of keeping a life story that impedes one's ability to lovingly create and connect with All That Is. Through understanding self-talk, beliefs, learned behaviors and assumptions that make it possible to detach from all that is not in one's highest good, providing a clear path for him or her to re-connect with the Soul, the very path to feeling once again the connection to God/Divine/Creator. Joy, pure joy!

    You and I am Creator. You and I are magnificent and perfect. We are inter-connected with the umbilical cord that is energy- that is Love. Bless others with good health, prosperity, abundance, clarity, peace and love (even if you must do this silently in your mind) for in doing so you are blessing your Self.  You are worthy of living a life of abundance, clarity, joy, love and peace as it is your Divine Right.